Monday, April 28, 2008

Our New Family Blog

Guy and I are expecting our daughter anyday now. We are so excited to become parents. She is officially due today, April 28th. The anticipation is hard for me (Kristina). I am a planner and it is hard for me not knowing when she is going to arrive. We are so excited to meet her and to introduce our little girl to the world!

While I am patiently awaiting her arrival, Guy is busy studying for his lawschool finals. Like me, her unscheduled arrival is making it difficult for Guy to figure out when to take his finals.
We hope she arrives sooner than later!!!
My parents are in town until May 2nd and I hope she arrives before they have to leave again. They are drivers for FedEx.

Today Steve (Guy's dad) picked me up and we met Guy for lunch at his job. They have a pretty awesome (AKA cheap and tasty) cafe. It was a nice way to distract me this afternoon from just looking at my belly and pouting. (Guy says I look at my belly and pout a lot) I just want to be done and meet her, I have a terrible pokerface. Steve and I meandered around Saint Paul on the way home missing our exit a couple times. Steve was depending on my navigating genious to traverse the city. About 3 gallons of gas and an hour later we made it back home :-)

Today I have been having contractions off and on which is very encouraging. It actually makes me smile and increases my excitement. They aren't painful (yet) some or more intense than others. I feel prepared through our Bradley birth classes. I just relax through them. Guy is ready to jump in when needed to help me out too. He is so wonderful!

Well the bags are packed. Stay tuned for updates and pictures of oour new little girl ..... name to be announced when she is born.

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