Friday, November 21, 2008


Today was a great day! Amelia and I spent the day out and about. First to ECFE (early child and family education) Class. It has been about a month since we have attended class. It was really great to go and see all the babes and watch Amelia interact. She is such a social butterfly. She really loves other kids. (I guess she will have to get a brother or sister someday.)
Then we went to Target to look at glasses. I have been EVERYWHERE and I can't find frames I like. I actually found some at Target I liked and they are going to be 30% off since I am a member of AAA. Guy scoffed at my membership...and look it's going to save us about 150 dollars. After Target we went to "Once Upon A Child". It is a used children's store. Great stuff. I was going to get Amelia a heavier weight sleep sack and a baby bath tub. I was side tracked by all the great stuff and forgot about the items I needed all together. I did score 2 great zip up fleece suits for going out in the cold. They aren't too bulky, which is good for the car seat but they provide enough warmth for transport from the condo to the jeep with out having to cocoon her in only a blanket. (It is getting cold her in Minnesota.) I really envy those with an attached garage.

I got three loads of laundry done and Amelia took her first solids in over a month. YAY! (She had a stomach bug and ever since has had aversion to solids.) I bought this gerber little dipper spoon. She totally dug it. So 1 point for team MOM!

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