Monday, December 15, 2008

Adventures in Babyfood

Amelia has had an aversion to solid foods since "Puke Fest I & II" in early October. Lately it has gotten to the point where she won't even taste it off of my finger. She really dislikes "her" babyfood. (I'd eat it as I homemake her babyfood) . Tonight enough was enough, I decided. I broke out the manual baby food mill and just milled her my dinner. I was eating whole wheat angel hair pasta with garlic, peas and garbanzo beans, it was a recipe from 'Real Simple'.
Amelia LOVED it! She was letting me feed her and also feeding herself. (See picture left). Breakthrough!!! I don't know if it was a different texure or if it was more salty. BUT she ate it. So tonight Amelia was introduced to garbanzo beans, garlic, chicken broth and pasta. I am a rebel. I hope I don't get "Puke Fest III" tonight.